Monday, June 16, 2008

Thing #3

I created my blog and tried avatar, but I can't seem to export it. I would love to have another player by my side so that we could help each other.


Ms J said...

I had a hard time putting in my avatar too. Maybe this will help. After you copied the html for it, log into your blog, click on layout, click on add a page element, click on HTML/Java Script, across from the word content - click on the icon that looks like the world and then past in you HTML from your avatar. Click ok, then save. Move it to where you would like it and click on save again, towards the top. Look at your page and it should be there. Good luck. PJ

chef stef815 said...

I also had difficulty exporting my avatar. I had to have my daughter who lives in California help me long distance! I think the avatars are really cute and most of them probably look something like the real people.